Monday 25 September 2023

 Next Stop...

So, I've been weighing options of things to write about, and I am going to venture in an area that some people may find a little disturbing, while others will find it rather fascinating.  

                     "What happens when you die?"   

Many people may think that they know what the answer to this is.  They may feel that their priest / imam / pastor / religous leader / Mom / Dad / Grandparents, etc gave them wisdom on this a long time ago, and they've just run with that basic idea. 

And oftentimes, the things you hear in the world (especially on TV or in movies) resonate with that sentiment.  And what exactly is that sentiment?  That when you die you head on up (or down) or perhaps across to some other place, some other destination once your currrent life here ceases.   

 Some people argue that you end up in Heaven, some go to hell.  Some argue for a place between them (Limbo or Purgatory).  Some say that your soul transmigrates into some other form or creature (whether of a higher class / status in the world or a lower status depends on the merit of your actions formerly). 

But what does the Bible actually say about this?    I know a number of Christians who are working with what I would have to call "a less-than-Biblical" viewpoint on this matter.   So I thought it important to take a much closer look at this.

Please join me next time when we'll start from the beginning pages of the Bible to try and get a grip on what it says about this incredibly important subject!

Thursday 21 September 2023

 The Jealous Chicken Who Crushed My Bones into a Ball and Threw me into a Far Country

Metaphors.  They are so fun.  This is that! (Is it?). Well, it’s like it, for sure…(Is it?)
I may have to think about that some more…..

And there is an absolutely amazing use of metaphors in the Bible.  Such variety.  But some can leave people confused, angry, hurt, or feeling scared.

As you’ve likely encountered in your own experience, people can use the Bible in many different ways (and not all of them positive).  Some have used it (with incredible editing) to justify slavery; others use it to “prove” the subjugation of women to men, while still others use it to try and justify maligning / hating on certain sins that they themselves may not be inclined to indulge in.

And this is the very thing we really need to watch out for, because it’s way too easy to do.  And people get hurt by it, and God’s name is slandered needlessly because of it! Thus, we need to get a handle on this in our practice and reading.

For example, the title of today’s blog can be cobbled together from various elements of Scripture.   No.  It’s true.  Check out the following verses in this particular order:

Exodus 34:14
Matthew 23:37
Psalm 51:8
Isaiah 22:17-18

Does that mean that Scripture is telling us untruths? After all, these very words and ideas are found therein!  

Or might it be that we are in desperate need of learning how to approach the Bible in healthy ways, ways that promote a contextualised reading of it, that takes into account (at all times) the “bigger picture” regarding who God is (e.g, the famous “God is love” line, repeated twice in 1 John, chapter 4, verses 8 & 16).  Anything that deviates from this understanding and approach needs to be seriously reconsidered as to its accuracy and validity.

This is what I shall be aiming to do in future posts, addressing various topics, but especially ones that are popularly misunderstood and misapplied (e.g., the ever-burning damnation of hell that awaits sinner upon them dying).  I’ll be seeking to come at them from a variety of directions, but all in an attempt to bring greater light / clarity / praise to God, who deserves it.  

I hope you’ll be blessed as I have been in learning these things. 

Wednesday 20 September 2023

20th Sept. 2023

It’s the weirdest thing to be starting a new blog.  I ask myself such questions as:  “Why I am doing this?” “Why should people care?”  “Who are you to share things with the world?” “What makes you so qualified?”  “Is that Trump’s real hair?”

So many questions.  So many things that we COULD discuss and share.

So, here is my commitment, as I think about this more and more:  I am going to adopt an attitude where I seek to say that which is true and right and helpful.  Doesn’t sound like a major job, right?  Until it starts stepping on other people’s “toes”.  (But I would like to say that that will likely be more due to the fact of my clumsiness, versus me purposefully trying to inflict damage on people’s pedi-digits).

In this vein of things, I was inspired by the following definition (which I “found” 08 / 10 / 2018…unfortunately, I don’t remember “where” I found it exactly):


“What is a poet's job?

‘A poet’s work is to name the unnameable, to point at frauds, to take sides, start arguments, shape the world and stop it from going to sleep’ (S. Rushdie).

‘The poet’s task is to wage a war against cliché.’”

That pretty much sums up what I think leadership (or even writing this blog) is all about, especially as a pastor (which is what I happen to work as).  

I’m not a fan of cliche’ (they can be quite boring, I find).  But more than that, I think it’s great to keep life “fresh”, to see things / approach things with “fresh eyes.”  To use our creativity in trying to make the lives of people around us better, especially from the soul-draining / soul-sucking pace of our world.

In other words:  Inspiration is needed.  

I hope that this blog will give you something to lift you up, something to stimulate your thinking, something that even (at times) rocks your world, and lifts up that funky carpet you’ve refused to look under for so long, in the hopes of “clearing away the rubbish” (kudos to Adrian Plass for that phrase).

I am also going to find myself “Taking sides” on certain things that I have been thinking about on and off for the past 30 years or so.  I hope you’ll enjoy the journey (and I hope it doesn’t leave you carsick, as we travel around this corner and up that hill and down through this crazy winding valley, etc.).

I will warn you ahead of time, too…sometimes my posts may be lucridously short, just sharing something that I found awesome (but relevant, in the very least perhaps as a “pick-me-up”).  But other times, you may find it easier to just buy the book (that I probably should have written instead of the entry).  

And yes….I may use humour at times, but only when absolutely necessary.   To borrow a phrase (somewhat) from David / Bruce Banner:  “Don’t make me get funny.  You wouldn’t like me when I’m funny.”

Oh…I’m also open to dialogue and inquiry, as well as suggestions (e.g., topics to explore).  I can’t guarantee that I’ll have the time nor expertise to answer all questions (or even a few), but I’ll do what I can to let you know whether something can be arranged over time.  In any case, thanks for having given me your time!  God bless!

The Deep Mystery (Pt. 3). — KING SOLOMON CAME UP WITH “YOLO” Last time we talked about what the Bible says about what happens after death, w...