Monday 25 September 2023

 Next Stop...

So, I've been weighing options of things to write about, and I am going to venture in an area that some people may find a little disturbing, while others will find it rather fascinating.  

                     "What happens when you die?"   

Many people may think that they know what the answer to this is.  They may feel that their priest / imam / pastor / religous leader / Mom / Dad / Grandparents, etc gave them wisdom on this a long time ago, and they've just run with that basic idea. 

And oftentimes, the things you hear in the world (especially on TV or in movies) resonate with that sentiment.  And what exactly is that sentiment?  That when you die you head on up (or down) or perhaps across to some other place, some other destination once your currrent life here ceases.   

 Some people argue that you end up in Heaven, some go to hell.  Some argue for a place between them (Limbo or Purgatory).  Some say that your soul transmigrates into some other form or creature (whether of a higher class / status in the world or a lower status depends on the merit of your actions formerly). 

But what does the Bible actually say about this?    I know a number of Christians who are working with what I would have to call "a less-than-Biblical" viewpoint on this matter.   So I thought it important to take a much closer look at this.

Please join me next time when we'll start from the beginning pages of the Bible to try and get a grip on what it says about this incredibly important subject!

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