Wednesday 8 November 2023

 Well! I've been so busy lately, I haven't been "around" here.  Apologies!   But I wanted to share something that I was blessed to create today. (Admittedly, it deviates from the current theme of looking into what the Bible says about what happens after you die, but I am just so excited by it, that I wanted to post it here anyway).   Hope you are blessed, too.


A Creative Response to Meditating on / "Rewrite" of Psalm 22 

"God, where are you?  This pain I’m going through seems to be taking forever.  Why aren’t you taking my calls anymore? I’m really hurting here!

But I know…I do know….that you are who you are.   You will always do the right thing.   There’s no one else like you.  It’s why my people and I always praise you.  Our history is replete with stories regarding you being exactly like that.  You so often pulled my family of old out of the fire.  Like every single time they would call upon you, you were there.  They could just laugh at all of their enemies because of how amazing you were.

But me? I’m scum.  I don’t deserve your attention. Everyone hates me, talking crap about me, spitting at me as they walk by.  I hear their rudeness even now:  “You think God is gonna save you?  Fat chance!  I gotta see this! You think you’re so special.  Right!  Let’s see how that plays out now that you’re hitting bottom!”

But aren’t you the One, God, who put me on this earth, who taught me all about your goodness from as far back as I can remember?  You’ve been cradling me forever. You’ve been in my life since day one!

So I’m asking: PLEASE (!!!), help me out here.  I don’t know what’s going on, but I need help like never before, and no one else is opening up their doors.  Even if they did, I doubt they could fix this mess.  I mean, I’m feeling short of breath because of the pressure of those who hate me!  I’ve already suffered a thousand cuts from the knives they keep thrusting my way.  I’m valued about as much as room-temperature liquid on a warm day.  My neck and back ache to no end. And I think I’m steadily losing hope here, God.  I really don’t know if I can even get through today, I’m about as strong as a tumbleweed blowing across the desert. I feel like you’ve just walked away from me, uncaring. And yet everyone else sees me as clear as day: they’ve painted the biggest target on my back that they can.  They have crucified me in their rage and bloodlust.  I’ve never felt so ill, so un-human.  I’m like a sideshow freak for the enjoyment of these people. They’ve even stripped me naked, and are haggling over who will keep my socks and shirt.

Can you hear me, God?  If so, DO SOMETHING! I need YOU! This could be it for me, these slavering hounds might win otherwise!  The beasts that are them are just waiting to devour and crush me.

[THE MIRACLE:}  You know what? No!  I’m going to choose You anyway. I’m going to uplift your name before my family, my people, your people.  Everyone is going to learn to trust You, because You will make a way where there is no way.  You will open up a door of deliverance for me.  I know You’re gonna be there for me, just as you always have been and will be for all those who need You!  Let them all watch this space!

I believe One Day You’re going to gather all of us, those who love you and those who haven’t, and there I will sing your praises, in harmony with all the others you have helped out, too!  None of those who have relied on You will be suffering that day.  Every headline and every creature will be giving You the glory, because Your glory will be spilling out from their happiest of hearts.  Indeed, every single person who has ever lived will recognise just how amazing You have ALWAYS truly been, honouring You as LORD and God of everything, everywhere, throughout the entire cosmos.

And at that point justice will finally reign supreme.  All the fat cats who have done it their way, without feeling a need to trust You will be blessed to see You as You are.  They will finally see the Utter Truth about You. But it won’t help them much.   That Truth will blow them away, even as they finally see all that they have rejected.

And from That Point onward…wow…..forever will there be those of us who will praise Your name and serve You with joy, in Truth…and we will pass it on to those yet to be, the multitudes of people You are yet to create, who will be greeted with the Greatest News ever, that God is King Forever, and that He is Good."

JDS / 8 November, 2023.

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